Python Module Example
The Actor code examples as one big module-style example
import unreal
EditorActorSubsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)
LevelEditorSubsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.LevelEditorSubsystem)
UnrealEditorSubsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
def get_asset_from_actor(actor):
Get the content browser asset path of the given actor,
support must be added for each asset type
asset = None
# the source asset is usually stored on the root component
# and is generally unique per component class type,
# support will need to be added for each Actor class (joy)
if isinstance(actor.get_class(), unreal.BlueprintGeneratedClass):
asset = unreal.load_asset(actor.get_class().get_outer().get_path_name())
elif isinstance(actor, unreal.StaticMeshActor):
asset = actor.static_mesh_component
elif isinstance(actor, unreal.SkeletalMeshActor):
asset = actor.skeletal_mesh_component.skeletal_mesh_asset
elif isinstance(actor, unreal.NiagaraActor):
asset = actor.niagara_component.get_asset()
elif isinstance(actor, unreal.LevelInstance):
asset = actor.get_world_asset().get_outer().get_path_name()
f"\n\tActor {actor.get_actor_label()} has an unknown "
f" or unsupported source asset ({actor.get_class()})"
f"\n\t\tEither the actor does not have a source asset"
f" in the Content Browser"
f"\n\t\tor get_asset_from_actor() does not yet support"
f" its class type"
return asset
def get_all_actors(include_possessables = True, include_spawnables = True):
Get the list of Actors in the current Editor World / 3D Level
actors = []
if include_possessables:
actors += EditorActorSubsystem.get_all_level_actors() or []
if include_spawnables:
actors += unreal.GameplayStatics.get_all_actors_with_tag(
) or []
return actors
def get_root_actors():
"""Get all root actors (top-most in the 3D Level)"""
return [
for actor in get_all_actors()
if not actor.get_attach_parent_actor()
and not actor.get_parent_actor()
def walk_component(component, owner=None, indent=2):
"""walk the given component to print its hierarchy"""
if not component:
# validate the component's owner
if not owner:
owner = component.get_owner()
if component.get_owner() != owner:
print(f"{' '*indent}{component.get_name()} (component)")
# recurse through any immediate children
for child in component.get_children_components(False):
walk_component(child, owner , indent+2)
def walk_actor(actor, indent=0):
"""walk the given actor to print its hierarchy"""
print(f"{' ' * indent}{actor.get_actor_label()}")
# separate the nested actors from the spawned actors:
spawned_actors = actor.get_all_child_actors()
nested_actors = [
for child in actor.get_attached_actors()
if child not in spawned_actors
walk_component(actor.root_component, indent=indent+2)
# print the spawned actors
for child in spawned_actors:
print(f"{' ' * (indent+2)}{child.get_actor_label()} (spawned)")
# walk the nested actors
for child in nested_actors:
walk_actor(child, indent+2)
def selection_tracker(selection_set: unreal.TypedElementSelectionSet):
if selection_set.get_num_selected_elements():
print(f"The following objects are currently selected:")
for selected in selection_set.get_selected_objects():
print("no objects selected!")
# Demo Code to Run
# Walk actors
for actor in get_root_actors():
# Print Source assets if available
for actor in get_all_actors():
print(f"{actor.get_actor_label()} source asset: {get_asset_from_actor(actor)}")
# Selection Changed callback
selection_set = LevelEditorSubsystem.get_selection_set()
Last updated