Python Module Example
The Metadata code examples as one big module-style example
import unreal
# metadata constants
# NOTE: metadata needs to be registered in the Asset Registry
# in order to work correctly
META_MANAGED_ASSET = "managed_asset"
META_ASSET_NAME = "asset_name"
META_ASSET_VERSION = "asset_version"
# mapping our metadata
# the Asset Registry
asset_registry_helper = unreal.AssetRegistryHelpers()
asset_registry = asset_registry_helper.get_asset_registry()
# If the C++ function was exposed we can declare our metadata tags from Python
if hasattr(unreal, "PythonUtilsLibrary"):
def set_metadata(asset, key, value):
"""set the asset's metadata value"""
unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.set_metadata_tag(asset, key, str(value))
def get_metadata(asset, key):
"""Get the loaded object or AssetData's metadata as its expected type"""
# Get the unreal metadata value
if isinstance(asset, unreal.AssetData):
value = asset.get_tag_value(key)
value = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.get_metadata_tag(asset, key)
# If the metadata was found & valid let's convert it!
if value and value.lower() != "none":
# Get this metadata key's expected value type, default is str (as-is)
value_type = METADATA_TYPE_MAP.get(key, str)
if value_type == bool:
# bools are a special case as bool(str) only checks for length
return value.lower() == "true"
# most singular value types may be directly converted
return value_type(value)
def find_assets_by_metadata(meta_dict, class_names=["object"], parent_path = ""):
Find assets in the Content Browser based on
a given dict of metadata {key:value} pairs
use 'parent_path' to only return results that live under that asset path
# create a basic Asset Registry filter based on the class_names
# include the parent path if provided
base_filter = unreal.ARFilter(
package_paths=[parent_path] if parent_path else [],
# Start with the first Metadata Query if provided
first_filter = base_filter
if meta_dict:
first_key = list(meta_dict.keys())[0]
first_value = meta_dict.pop(first_key)
query = [unreal.TagAndValue(first_key, str(first_value))]
first_filter = asset_registry_helper.set_filter_tags_and_values(base_filter, query)
# Get the initial class-based search results
results = asset_registry.get_assets(first_filter) or []
for key, value in meta_dict.items():
# Create a new ARFilter based on the {key:value} pair
query = [unreal.TagAndValue(key, str(value))]
meta_filter = asset_registry_helper.set_filter_tags_and_values(base_filter, query)
# reduce the results to only those matching the given metadata
results = asset_registry.run_assets_through_filter(results, meta_filter) or []
# return the results as a Python list as it might currently be an unreal.Array
return list(results)
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