Python Module Example
The BP Function Library examples as one big module-style example
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import unreal
class PyDemoBPLibrary(unreal.BlueprintFunctionLibrary):
Blueprint functions declared in this class will be available in Editor
# --------- standard options --------- #
def basic_function_test():
"""Python Blueprint Node -- run Python logic!"""
print("Printed a message via Python!")
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, params=[str])
def input_test(user_input = "cool!"):
"""Python Blueprint Node -- print the text input"""
print(f"Provided input: {user_input}")
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, ret=str)
def return_test():
"""Python Blueprint Node -- return a string!
return "cool!"
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, params=[str, bool, int])
def multiple_input_test(in_str, in_bool, in_int):
"""Python Blueprint Node -- multiple inputs (string, bool, int)"""
print(f"{in_str} ({type(in_str)}) | {in_bool} ({type(in_bool)}) | {in_int} ({type(in_int)})")
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, ret=(int, bool, str))
def multiple_returns_test():
"""Python Blueprint Node -- Return (str, bool, int)
NOTE: the 'ret' decorator arg is reversed from the actual python return
return "Awesome", True, 5
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, ret=unreal.Array(str), params=[unreal.Array(str)])
def sort_string_list_test(in_list):
Python Blueprint Node -- Sort a list of strings, useful for managing options in editor tools
return sorted(in_list)
@unreal.ufunction(ret= str, pure=True, static=True)
def pure_function_test() -> str:
Python Blueprint Node
Pure functions have no execution flow pin connectors,
intended for getter functions that do not change the state of assets in Unreal
return os.environ.get("USER", "unknown user")
# --------- metadata options --------- #
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, meta=dict(Category="demo | category | sorting"))
def meta_category_test():
Python Blueprint Node
Category organizes this node in the BP Graph right click menu
Use | to create nested sub-groups
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, meta=dict(KeyWords="random arbitrary keywords"))
def meta_keywords_test():
Python Blueprint Node
KeyWords help the discovery of this node in the BP Graph right click menu
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, meta=dict(CompactNodeTitle="UEPY"))
def meta_compact_name_test():
"""Python Blueprint Node -- CompactNodeTitle"""
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, params=[unreal.Actor], meta=dict(DefaultToSelf="target_object"))
def meta_default_to_self_test(target_object):
"""Python Blueprint Node -- DefaultToSelf (The BP Class calling this Function)"""
print(f"target object: {target_object}")
@unreal.ufunction(static=True, ret=(int, bool, str), meta=dict(HidePin="returnValue"))
def multiple_returns_fixed_test():
"""Python Blueprint Node -- Return (str, bool, int)"""
return "Awesome", True, 5
def match_object(object_to_match):
Python Blueprint Node
the BP Graph will match our return's type to the provided
input 'object_to_match', this helps inform the BP Graph
when returning sub classes, such as Blueprint Assets
created in the Editor
return object_to_match
# --------- practical examples --------- #
static=True, params=[str, unreal.Map(str, str)],
meta=dict(Category="demo | EUW | prefs")
def save_user_prefs(prefs_name, prefs_data):
"""Python Blueprint Node -- save some basic prefs data"""
# Convert the unreal Map to a json compliant dict
prefs = {
str(key): str(value)
for key, value in prefs_data.items()
# we'll save this file to the users' tmp dir under 'unreal/unreal_prefs_<pref>.json'
prefs_file = Path(
if not prefs_file.exists():
prefs_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(prefs, f, indent=2)
static=True, ret=unreal.Map(str, str), params=[str],
pure=True, meta=dict(Category="demo | EUW | prefs")
def load_user_prefs(prefs_name) :
"""Python Blueprint Node -- load some basic prefs data"""
# use the same path structure as the save and make sure it exists
prefs_file = Path(
if not prefs_file.exists():
return {}
# we can return the dict as-is, Unreal will convert it to a Map(str,str) for us
return json.loads(prefs_file.read_text())
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