Menu Classes created with Python can be just as dynamic as those created in C++, we'll first start with a base class then add additional features to it
The Base Class
When creating Editor Menu Entries, this is generally what my base class looks like:
class PythonMenuTool(unreal.ToolMenuEntryScript):
name = "programatic_name"
label = "display Name"
tool_tip = "tool tip!"
def __init__(self, menu, section=""):
given a menu object and a section name,
initialize this python tool and add it to the menu
if section:
menu.add_section(section, section)
# Initialize the entry data
tool_tip = self.tool_tip
# Add this tool to the desired menu
This class will initialize and add itself to the given menu, it won't do anything yet.
We can use the class like so in our code:
ToolMenus= unreal.ToolMenus.get()
menu = ToolMenus.find_menu("LevelEditor.MainMenu.DemoTools")
and it will show up in our Demo Tools dropdown menu:
Declaring the Execute
To set what we want out button to do, we can override its execute function:
def execute(self, context):
"""The Python code to execute when pressed"""
print(f"Provided context: {context}")
It will now print a message when pressed
Declaring the Execute Condition
To control whether the menu button can run, we can override its can_execute function:
def can_execute(self, context):
"""Can the user press this menu entry?"""
is_ctrl_down = unreal.InputLibrary.modifier_keys_state_is_control_down(
return is_ctrl_down
Users must now hold the CTRL key down to use our tool
Dynamic Labels
To set a dynamic label in the menu, we can override its get_label function:
def get_label(self, context):
"""Update the Display Name"""
is_ctrl_down = unreal.InputLibrary.modifier_keys_state_is_control_down(
return "CTRL is GO!" if is_ctrl_down else "Press CTRL to use"
The Label will now change depending on whether the user is pressing the CTRL key: