Convenience Modules
Reducing repeated code in your codebase
Something I would regularly see in other example code online is a constant redeclaration of various Unreal Systems:
This can get tedious in larger pipelines if every function is using the first 1-5 lines to set up the asset registry or getting a subsystem. It also runs the risk of developers using different variable names for the same thing, causing inconsistencies.
Below is how I approach Unreal's subsystems and common libraries that I make use of
Setting up a Systems Module
Something I do in my work is have a dedicated module to setup the Asset Registry and Sub Systems. It's nothing fancy, it's just a module that looks something like this:
For subsystems especially I often use the class name as-is, while this is not technically recommended in PEP8 I do this to remove any doubt as to what it is. This also comes with the added benefit of making it easier (lazier) to copy + paste into the Unreal Python Docs website
You may see this referenced in other parts of the Documentation, although I will try to limit it
Using the Module
In my other modules I start by importing the systems and libraries I need access to, these are then used in the functions as needed:
Conveniences like this can really add up over the span of a pipeline, reducing the number of repetitive lines and ensuring consistency.
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