Abstraction Layer
simplifying Unreal's API
For anyone coming from Maya development, the comparison I like to give is that Unreal doesn't really have a cmds
equivalent, Unreal's Python API is like OpenMaya
: a direct conversion of C++ classes with minimal conveniences.
While I do write a lot of tool-specific code, I also build up convenience modules as well for various parts of the Unreal Python API, such as making a more accessible save function:
I can call this function with a string asset path or a loaded Unreal Object, making it more accessible to save assets elsewhere in my Python code.
My general rule of thumb is to look out for one of two conditions:
Does a repeated task consistently require the same multiple lines to use properly?
some Python API functions may require additional setup to use, if used frequently enough they're solid candidates for making a convenience function for
Could a repeated task be made more accessible?
as an example, we could make a single function that handles any kind of common asset reference (asset path, loaded object, or AssetData object)
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