We'll create a generic function to launch an EUW from its asset path:
def launch_editor_utility_widget(asset_path: str):
"""Launch the given utility widget from its asset path"""
# ensure a valid asset path was provided
if not isinstance(asset_path, str):
unreal.log_error(f"The given input is not an asset path: {asset_path}")
if not EditorAssetLibrary.does_asset_exist(asset_path):
unreal.log_error(f"The given asset path does not exist: {asset_path}")
# open the EUW
asset = EditorAssetLibrary.load_asset(asset_path)
The EditorUtilityWidgetMenuTool
With our new function and existing PythonMenuTool base class, this is all we need to declare in our new EUW Launcher class:
class EditorUtilityWidgetMenuTool(PythonMenuTool):
menu tool base class to launch specified Editor Utility Widgets
widget_path = "/Game/editor/utility/widget/path"
def execute(self, context):
"""Open the EUW when pressed"""
That's all there is to it, on execute it will launch the widget_path declared on the class!
Demo Tool
Here's an example tool, the Meta Viewer GUI:
class MetaViewerTool(EditorUtilityWidgetMenuTool):
name = "meta_viewer"
display_name = "Meta Viewer GUI"
tool_tip = "Launch the Meta Viewer tool"
widget_path = "/PythonRecipeBook/sample_tools/meta_viewer"
This provides a simple menu class setup we can make for each of our first-class Editor Utility Widget tools